Pikler triangle
Pikler triangle
What is a Pikler Triangle?
It is a climbing structure suitable for young children and babies up to the age of 3 years.
It can be considered a starter kit to enable your child to reach age-appropriate coordination development milestones.
The Pikler Triangle will grow with your child as they develop, with the addition of accessories and settings to make it more challenging.
It was first designed by Emi Pikler, a Hungarian pediatrician, over 100 years ago to develop children's gross motor skills as well as help them learn balance, confidence, mobility and muscle development.
Babies as young as 8 months old can use the bars to pull themselves up and learn to stand, progressing as they grow to master the Pikler Triangle by climbing to the top. Older children will incorporate the play structure into imaginative and pretend play, dressing it up and transforming it into a fort or hideout, as well as using it as a climbing frame.
This will be the perfect training and play toy for your child.
The Moon Kids Adjustable Climber has been tested by adults and supports a load of 100kg, however for safety reasons we recommend using it with a maximum load of 50kg.
Please do not leave your children unsupervised near the Pikler Triangle climbing structure.
Age : +6m
Brand : Handmade
Material : Wood
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