Toys 3years+
Here you will find some of the toys that our club members have access to to play and learn!
Prancha de Equilíbrio
Vendor:Olly ToysRegular price R$ 490,00Regular priceUnit price perImagine uma prancha que pode ser uma plataforma de equilíbrio, uma gangorra, uma mesa para brincar, um banquinho para sentar, uma montanha para escalar, um banco para relaxar, um escorregador para aventuras emocionantes e até mesmo uma cama improvisada para os momentos de descanso! A criatividade é o único limite para as possibilidades que esta prancha oferece.
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4 em linha
Vendor:Tooky ToysRegular price R$ 100,00Regular priceUnit price perO jogo 4 em linha é bem divertido! É como um quebra-cabeça gigante. Aqui está como funciona:
- Temos um tabuleiro vertical com sete colunas e seis fileiras.
- Cada jogador tem suas próprias peças, uma é vermelha e a outra é azul.
- Vocês dois vão se revezar colocando uma peça de cada vez em uma das colunas do topo.
- O objetivo é ser o primeiro a fazer uma linha reta de quatro de suas próprias cor, seja na horizontal, vertical ou diagonal.
É simples e empolgante! Quem conseguir fazer uma linha primeiro ganha. Vamos jogar?
Cubo Sensorial 7 em 1
Vendor:Classic WorldRegular price R$ 160,00Regular priceUnit price perO brinquedo cognitivo perfeito que promete não apenas entreter as crianças, mas também estimular um desenvolvimento inteligente e multidimensional. Com um design inovador e repleto de atividades engenhosas, este cubo oferece uma experiência de aprendizado única para os pequenos, combinando diversão com educação de forma excepcional.
Cada lado do cubo é uma nova aventura, incluindo:
- Giroscópio de Ponta dos Dedos: Melhora a coordenação e o equilíbrio.
- Cadeado e Chave Anti-Roubo: Estimula o raciocínio lógico e a resolução de problemas.
- Parafuso de Mola: Encoraja a compreensão de mecânicas simples.
- Interruptor: Desenvolve a noção de causa e efeito.
- Roda Universal: Inspira a exploração de movimentos e direções.
- Torneira de Água: Auxilia na compreensão de conceitos de fluxo e pressão.
- Tampa de Parafuso Giratória: Refina a coordenação motora fina.
Habilidades Desenvolvidas:
- Coordenação Olho-Mão: A manipulação dos diversos elementos do cubo aprimora a coordenação visuomotora essencial para o desenvolvimento infantil.
- Habilidades Motoras Finas: Atividades como girar, pressionar e encaixar fortalecem os músculos das mãos e dos dedos.
- Pensamento Criativo e Resolução de Problemas: O enfrentamento de desafios simples incentiva a criatividade e o pensamento crítico.
- Desenvolvimento Sensorial: A variedade de texturas e mecanismos estimula os sentidos, enriquecendo a experiência tátil e visual.
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Carrinho de Brinquedos
Vendor:Olly ToysRegular price R$ 230,00Regular priceUnit price perO Carrinho de Brinquedos é a escolha ideal para crianças que estão começando a explorar o mundo com seus próprios passos. Este brinquedo, feito de madeira de alta qualidade, é robusto e seguro, perfeito para levar bonecas, ursinhos e outros objetos amados em aventuras dentro e fora de casa. Seu design intuitivo encoraja os pequenos a exercerem a independência e a imaginação durante a brincadeira.
Empurrar o Carrinho de Brinquedos é uma atividade mágica para as crianças, enriquecendo a experiência de aprendizado. Colocar e retirar diferentes itens, além de cobrir e descobrir seus brinquedos favoritos, estimula habilidades motoras finas e cognição. Este processo simples oferece lições valiosas sobre organização e cuidado de uma maneira natural e divertida.
Ideal para os primeiros anos de descoberta e exploração, o Carrinho de Brinquedos não é apenas um item de diversão, mas uma ferramenta educativa que promove o desenvolvimento de habilidades essenciais. Ele se torna rapidamente um favorito entre as crianças, incentivando-as a aprender brincando
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Material Bench
Vendor:LumeRegular price R$ 310,00Regular priceUnit price perThe suitcase becomes a workbench, where the child can organize the pieces, hammer nails and thread screws.
With the parts, tools and screws, it is possible to create and recreate, developing creativity and motor skills.
Contains a tool bag that turns into a workbench, with 3 fun tools, 2 nails, 4 screws, 4 nuts, 4 pieces to assemble and more pieces to cut out of the packaging.
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Vendor:LumeRegular price R$ 180,00Regular priceUnit price perThe geometric blocks and different elements of the Citadel allow children to stack and explore the pieces, create constructions and scenarios, reproduce the assemblies contained on the cards, and play pretend.
It is a rich and complete construction kit for the development of motor and cognitive skills .
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Vendor:BohneyRegular price R$ 600,00Regular priceUnit price perAndamobil is an incredible toy for children that stimulates motor development and creativity. Kids will love exploring the world around them while having fun with this versatile toy. Furthermore, Andamobil promotes motor coordination and balance, contributing to the healthy growth of little ones.
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Musical Table
Vendor:Classic WorldRegular price R$ 350,00Regular priceUnit price perMusic is the best language in the world. Classic World brought together 6 instruments in this musical table. Kids can play the drums, xylophone, triangle, bell and cymbal, and experiment with different sound textures, while creating their own music!
Develops basic musical skills, in addition to exploring different sound textures, stimulating creativity and artistic expression.
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balance balance
Vendor:Classic WorldRegular price R$ 200,00Regular priceUnit price perThe unique stack and sort swing is both fun and challenging. Your child will develop problem-solving and logic skills as they try to sort and stack the colored discs in the correct order.
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Afternoon coffee
Vendor:Kids ConceptRegular price R$ 250,00Regular priceUnit price perThis wooden FIKA set contains a thermos with removable lid, 4 different cups and several "drink blocks" to fit into the cups. You can choose between black coffee, coffee with milk, hot chocolate and tea with whipped cream. Fill your cup with the different drinks and play "FIKA break" or serve your guests. -
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Vendor:Classic WorldRegular price R$ 180,00Regular priceUnit price perThis toaster set comes complete with toast, butter, wooden plates and knives, and yogurt. Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Promotes imagination and encourages imitative and imaginary play. -
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Balancing Game - Laziness
Vendor:JanodRegular price R$ 250,00Regular priceUnit price perShe naps peacefully, our lazy girl... but that doesn't stop the kids from having fun! Get ready for a game of skill with this adorable wooden toy! This balance game is made up of a magnetic sloth suspended from its branch and 15 sticks.
It can be played by one or multiple players. What's the point? Put as many sticks as possible in the sloth's belly before it lets go!
In a multiplayer game, whoever puts in the wrong stick loses! The sheets of this cute game are made of soft felt. This game is perfect for developing patience and dexterity.
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Musical Band - Drums
Vendor:PlanToysRegular price R$ 600,00Regular priceUnit price perWooden Musical Band Set. Take the stage with this child-sized musical set. Includes 2 drums of different sizes, a pair of drumsticks and a hi-hat.
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Mini Stacking Cactus
Vendor:PlanToysRegular price R$ 115,00Regular priceUnit price perThe Mini Cactus game is ideal for 1 to 4 players or to play alone. The first person to successfully build their cactus without knocking it over is the winner! At PlanToys, our mission is to provide children with sustainable, eco-friendly toys that encourage early learning, stimulate imagination and stimulate the senses.
- Miniature 13-piece wooden version of the popular Balancing Cactus toy from PlanToys
- Helps develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and concentration
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Star Guitar
Vendor:Classic WorldRegular price R$ 350,00Regular priceUnit price perLet your child "Rock and Roll" with this six-string wooden star guitar. The kid version is in a reduced scale and is the perfect instrument for your child to play and sing along. Musical instruments help develop your child's sensory and creative skills.
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Puzzle - Airplane
Vendor:VigaRegular price R$ 80,00Regular priceUnit price perThis collection of 9-piece flat puzzles aims to not only improve children's motor skills but also encourage them to learn about wild animals, farm animals and different vehicles.
The practical storage tray makes it easy to create and store the puzzle.
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Balance Bike - Arco Iris
Vendor:Classic WorldRegular price R$ 450,00Regular priceUnit price perThis rainbow-shaped balance bike is made from sturdy solid wood. The handlebars are coated with rubber to provide more grip. The seat has a layer of cushion to make the ride more comfortable. You can easily carry it by the wing-shaped handle. Furthermore, it is possible to adjust the height according to the height of the children. The wheels are made of rubberized material to protect the floor from scratches. This balance bike can help children develop a sense of balance orientation and coordination. It will provide endless fun for your children!
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Animal Stacking Blocks
Vendor:PolarBRegular price R$ 200,00Regular priceUnit price perBeads and wooden blocks to stack with cute animal faces can be one of little ones' favorite games. Inspiring initial counting to 10, developing simple addition and subtraction operations between 0 and 10. Helps children with color classification, number and animal recognition. An ideal toy for baby to improve hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills.
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Vendor:PolarBRegular price R$ 180,00Regular priceUnit price perComes with a toaster, 2 slices of bread, a plate, a knife and 3 pieces of butter. Turn the knob to adjust the time and hear the clicking sound, as if it were real.
Place the 2 slices of bread in the appliance, push a little so that the toast pops out, and the children can enjoy a delicious breakfast with toast and butter.
Provides understanding of how to make toast, guides children and their friends to share and play, helping to develop social skills.
A wonderful interactive toy for pretend play that inspires creativity and imagination.